Friday, June 27, 2008

Something More...

".....Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth."
I recently saw the film, "Into The Wild", and heard this quote from the movie. This is a beautiful quote said by the main actor, originally said by Henry David Thoreau. This quote has so much meaning. It can mean so much to me in a certain way, and yet, so much to you in your own way of what you get from it. This is with anything. But to me, this quote, reigns so completely true for me. I feel it so strongly within my heart when I repeat this quote. It has taken me some time to get to this point. But I have been on the way, down this road, my whole life. To be able to finally see it now. That nothing, truly nothing, will ever matter to me more than the truth. You can't have love if there is no truth in it. Trust, the bond that ties everything together as strong as it could ever hold something, is what keeps something together. When it is gone, you have nothing left. Trusting is very hard as well. To completely trust someone else is so scary. I can hardly trust myself sometimes. I say I'll do one thing but in the back of my mind I know it won't happen or I won't do it. Right there, I can't even say I trust my own self one hundred percent all the time. But to go beyond yourself and to reach out to another human being and giving them a chance to hold your trust is unreal. That is love. That is true love. That is some other type of a connection deep within you, in your soul, that makes you feel secure and complete. That makes you know that you are safe. That is the feeling of trust.

I have friends, family members, co workers, who all talk to me about their issues with trust. They have problems with people they love, that they don't trust. They may not see it themselves, but I do. They never say the problem is that they don't trust the other person, that just is the problem. I know people who cheat on people, who go out and find a new person to have sex with every night, people who won't let their spouse go out without them because they are scared that their spouse will leave them. I am around people, just like you are, who don't trust other people. I am not saying that it's ridiculous, or that I don't understand, or that I think it is the easiest thing in the world to do. Because I know it isn't. I know that. I know people have probably put their trust out there before to someone and may have had it broken and now they are very scared to give that a second chance because of the pain it caused before. But what is the purpose of this life if you quit trying. If you give up on the people in this world to never trust again. To me we are all good people. Every single one of us. We were created with a whole heart, a beautiful open, capable of trusting, loving, heart. I do not understand the way life is sometimes. I truly don't. Something inside of me is uneven and wishes it could be figured out so this could one day stop bothering me. Why are there homeless on the streets, starving, or the ones who are drug addicts, why are there people born into poverty, and others born into royalty? The people who are born handicapped, or born deaf or blind, or born and then pass away. How lucky are we to even be alive? I am amazed at all of this world. I am thankful to be able to see everything, an hear music and voices, and be able to walk and to talk and for everything that I do have. Forget all of what I wanted for before. I have enough. and I stop right here and am thankful for all that I do have. Because with or without comparing my life to the person beside me, you can stop and find something to be thankful for about yourself. Take a moment just to realize that you are alive. It doesn't get much more grateful than that..... This is a beginning for me. For me to stand up and finally speak to the world, through this blog, is my way of sharing how I feel. Hopefully spreading the word and grabbing someones attention.

This blogs purpose is for me to write about the truth of life. My outlook on it. The experiences I have from my own prospective. I want to share them with you and always leave the blogs final note in an uplifting way. Because that is the main point I want to reach for everyone. Throughout all of these hard times we all have. We all have them I know it. Hard, hard, hard times. I know, I know. It isn't about that stupid shirt you have on, or that huge t.v you just bought, or that extremely expensive car you just purchased. None of that matters. None of it. Until you realize this we will all keep running around this stupid cage were all in until we finally see the truth in life. The beauty. The purpose of living. The purpose of Love. None of these artificial things ever need to mean more than what it actually is. It's a shirt, it's a t.v, it's a car. It isn't real. It's nothing. It won't be what your remembered by when you are gone. You will be in the memories of someone else. None of that other stuff. I don't want to be a hypocrite and act like something has never mattered to me that is a material item, I know it has. But I want it to end. This isn't just me asking you to realize it, this is me asking myself as well. This is my quest to find myself, to find life. To be alive. My goal is that I can become fully and completely,

awake aware alive.


Anonymous said...

i enjoyed your blog

Unknown said...

Beautiful blog. I just watched "Into the Wild" recently as well and found a handful of memorable quotes, poems and concepts. It's a great launching point into self-awareness and self-consciousness. I'll be reading your blog regularly. =)